The Arnolfini Portrait just by Jan vehicle Eyck | Analysis The Arnolfini Portrait startles us by simply its evident realism and even attention to fine detail, which apparently anticipate Dutch painting about two ages later. Much of the effect is normally owing to lorrie Eyck’s make use of oil-based oil-soaked rags. He is otherwise known as the creator of oil painting, however it seems rather more likely that he magnificent brother uncovered the potential of the modern medium by way of developing a varnish which dried at a steady rate, enabling Jan in order to “make a glossy colorway which could be employed in translucent layers as well as ‘glazes’… as well as on the gleaming highlights using a pointed brush” (Gombrich, 240). The new medium sized was marvelous in its suitability for describing metals in addition to jewels (as well when the individual strands of wild hair in a dog’s coat! ), and, like Sister Wendy Beckett affirms, “more drastically, for the brilliant, convincing depiction of all natural light” (Beckett, 64).